Ever heard of Julklapp? What about Amigo Secreto or Wichteln? Kris Kindle?
Maybe not, but we at Bice’s Florist are betting you’ve definitely heard of the U.S. version of all of the above, Secret Santa. For the unaccustomed, this is a group gift swap where names are typically drawn out of a hat to pair up a gift giver and a recipient. The recipient won’t know who the giver is; unless, of course, the giver spills it.
Secret Santa is a great way to ensure that everyone in a group gets a present without breaking the bank. It brings people together to have fun and relax a little. If you’ve never played this game but find yourself implicated in it this year, we’re here to help you select that perfect gift. Enter our Holidays On Ice arrangement:

Holidays On Ice
Usually, Secret Santa games include a price cap, and everyone agrees to stay within it. That’s something to be mindful of as you shop for yours. You may not know your recipient’s tastes and preferences, either, so we find that offering something crowd-pleasing and impossible not to like is the way to go. Here, lilies, roses and hydrangeas come together in a merry mix that would look perfect on an office desk. And you don’t even have to wrap it.
Make your Secret Santa gift a cut above the rest this year. We here at Bice’s Florist have got your back.